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Clean Waters

Apart from the important ecosystem one encounters in the bottom of the sea in the area of the Pervolia Lighthouse, also important is the coastal environment which is dominated by the different shades of the green colour in an area where all kinds of beautiful wild plants and odours mix.  

The presence of the lemon balm along with other wild plants such as the caper, asparaguses, the astragalus plant and several more, all form the green natural landscape which emerges through the natural rocks of the Pervolia Lighthouse area.

Further down and at a very short distance stands imposingly the Castle of Regaena, which has been a bright example of the island’s history for centuries and despite having been attacked by various enemies the castle has managed to remain standing to guard and remind why this island has been targeted by so many. It is a 1570 building bearing Venetian Generals’ coats of arms, as well as the coat of arms of Agios Markos (Lions). 

A historic monument which is still in operation today and adorns the coastal Lighthouse area is the Lighthouse itself, which emits a bright and at the same time imposing light which helps guide the passing ships. Several sailors managed to save their lives through the years thanks to the lighthouse. The Lighthouse area is full of ancient wrecks which prove its usefulness. It was built during the British occupation in Cyprus and has been maintained and kept operational by the Cyprus Port Authority.  

The Pervolia Lighthouse coastal environment is closely linked to the meadows of Poseidonia, while the fish varieties of the sea environment constitute natural wealth for the area and needs to be protected and preserved.    

The above text was prepared by Christoforos Panteli, Community Council Secretary.

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